Sunday, March 8, 2009

The pictures that I've posted only tell a very small portion of the story. In the time since I decided to create this blog, there has been so much that has happened. Our family has moved, welcomed a new nephew, started a new career, and a new job, battled illness, seen family and friends marry and divorce, grieved over loved ones, lost pets, but over all, grown closer as a family!! As I near graduation(sometime between May 5-12) and prepare to close a huge chapter in my life, I can't help but remember all the people and experiences that have brought me to where I am. I am so grateful to all my family that was always so generous with watching my boys and being there for them while I had to devote myself to school and work. Thank you to my friends, colleagues and girls at school who have encouraged me when I thought it was all too much. I feel like if it weren't for all experiences that myself and my family endured, I couldn't have become the mother, wife, daughter, sister, student, friend and nurse that i am today. Thank you to everyone that has helped me grow through this time!!

Some pictures to catch everyone up over the last 1 1/2 years!!!!

I decided to start out updating our blog with an assortment of pictures from over the last year and a half since my boys have grown so much since the last pictures were posted. I hope you enjoy the assortment!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

COMING SOON... i promise, on spring break, i will be updating my blog!! I am graduating in 9 very short weeks!!!! (In case you are not in the loop, I have been in nursing school since uh, fall 2007. thats why my blog is so boring and old!) so, worry not, there will be recent photos and more frequent postings of the nielson family.